Explore stormwater infrastructure and watershed restoration projects around the District. Searchable by city, nearby water body, or project phase. To view smaller projects in your neighborhood, view the Neighborhood Map. For information on funding for your own project, visit our Stewardship Grant page.

Explore stormwater infrastructure and watershed restoration projects around the District. Searchable by city, nearby water body, or project phase. To view smaller projects in your neighborhood, view the Neighborhood Map. For information on funding for your own project, visit our Stewardship Grant page.
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ABI Water Quality Pond
The Apostolic Bible Institute (ABS) Pond project removes nutrients and sediments from stormwater runoff originating in a large residential area of Oakdale.

Battle Creek Erosion and Flood Control
This major project solved dangerous flooding and erosion issues along Battle Creek and spurred the formation of the Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District.

Keller Creek Buffer
This wildlife and recreational corridor connects Keller and Phalen regional parks.

Keller Golf Course
A strong partnership makes Keller Golf Course an award-winning ecological preserve.

Keller Lake Shoreline
Restoration transformed this unnatural rock shoreline into diverse native plantings.

Keller Parkway Conveyance
RWMWD installed two new box culverts to replace the current arch-shaped culverts on Keller Parkway.

Kennard Street Control Structure
This control structure improves drainage along Kohlman Creek.

Kohlman Basin
This wetland system cleans storm water flowing to the Phalen Chain of Lakes.

Kohlman Creek Bank Stabilization
This creek stabilization protects Kohlman Basin wetland and Kohlman Lake.

Lake Owasso Chain Carp Management
The Owasso Chain of Lakes: Reducing the carp population to improve water quality

Lake Owasso Shoreline Restoration
A park improvement project inspired this ecological buffer restoration

Lake Phalen Chain Carp Management
The Phalen Chain of Lakes: Groundbreaking carp research and effective management through a partnership with the University of Minnesota

Lake Phalen Shoreline
A project to prevent erosion led to restoration of two miles of stunning shoreland.

Lakeside Pond Buffer
Blue flag iris provides a lovely solution to pollutants and excessive geese.

Lower Afton Road Drainageway Improvements
An erosion and flood control project along Lower Afton Road.

Maplewood Living Streets
A demonstration project to benefit residents and improve water quality.

Maplewood Mall Retrofit
This innovative project cleans 20 million gallons of stormwater each year.

Maplewood Middle School
Three large rain gardens filter runoff and protect water quality in Kohlman Creek.

Marketplace Pond Buffer
Marketplace Pond is an oasis of prairie in the midst of a suburban shopping district.

Markham Pond Aeration
This former carp nursery has been rehabilitated to a bass and bluegill fishery.

New Horizon Academy
This garden filters runoff and protects water quality in Battle Creek.

North Heights Christian Academy
A rain garden filters runoff from the church parking lot.

North St. Paul Target
Impermeable pavement has been replaced by four rain gardens and two tree trenches that treat water before it reaches Kohlman Creek

North St. Paul Urban Ecology Center
This abandoned sod farm now harbors a diverse ecosystem along a popular trail.

PCU Environmental Learning Center (Target Pond)
This pond provides flood protection while hosting pollinators and waterfowl.

Phalen Chain of Lakes Outlet
This outlet Increases the flow capacity of Lake Phalen reduced flooding upstream.

Phalen Wetland Restoration
This ephemeral wetland is directly connected to Lake Phalen.

Ponds at Battle Creek Golf Course
This executive course showcases prairie, savanna and scenic water features

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church
Six rain gardens and one infiltration trench filters runoff from the church parking lot.

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Two rain gardens filter runoff from the church parking lot.

Redeemer Lutheran Church
Two rain gardens filter parking lot runoff to protect Willow Creek.

Redeeming Love Church
Five rain gardens filter runoff from the church roof and parking lot.

Roseville Area Middle School
This rain garden filters parking lot runoff to protect water quality in Bennett Lake.

Ryan Drive Conveyance
RWMWD installed a new box culvert to replace the current arch-shaped culvert on Ryan Drive.

Slumberland Clearance Outlet Store – Suburban Avenue
This native planting area reduced impervious surface, provides pollinator habitat, and filters rainwater runoff before it drains into Battle Creek

Snail Lake Regional Park Wetland Restoration
Partnerships are working to restore and preserve the most ecologically diverse parkland in the northern part of the Watershed

Tanners Lake 5th Street Basin
A wetland modification to help improve the water quality of Tanners Lake.

Tanners Lake Alum Treatment Facility
A unique treatment facility to remove phosphorus from stormwater.

Tanners Lake Berm
A berm along Tanners Lake helps with flood water retention and water quality.

Tanners Lake Tartan High School Pond
A high quality wetland constructed to treat water before reaching Tanners lake.

Tanners Lake Wetland
Modifications to a nearby wetland help bring cleaner water to Tanners Lake.

Trinity Presbyterian Church
A pair of rain gardens capture and filter runoff from the church parking lot.

Valley Creek Road Infiltration System
A stormwater treatment system catches runoff before reaching Tamarack Swamp.

Vogel Manufacturing Drainage Improvements
Pond modifications alleviate flooding of a business and roadway.

Wakefield Park Stormwater Improvements
Four rain gardens filter parking lot runoff to protect Wakefield Lake from pollution.

Weaver Elementary School
This school rain garden protects Kohlman Creek from runoff pollution.

Willow Creek Drainage Improvements
A new storm sewer system to safely convey flows to Willow Lake.

Willow Pond CMAC
This large rain garden filters runoff and protects water quality in Bennett Lake

Woodbury Elementary and Middle School
This pair of large school rain gardens protect Battle Creek Lake from runoff pollution.

Woodland Hills Church
Four rain gardens filter parking lot runoff to protect Wakefield Lake from pollution.