Kohlman Creek

Kohlman Creek is an intermittent stream that was previously considered a county ditch (County Ditch 18 South). The stream begins at {link to “PCU Environmental Learning Center” project page}PCU Environmental Learning Center{/link}, which was constructed in 1995 to provide stormwater detention for downstream flood control. Kohlman Creek generally flows from southeast to northwest and eventually discharges into Kohlman Basin in the Kohlman Lake subwatershed. The creek has historically been, and continues to be, managed as a stormwater conveyance system by the District. Most of the creek remains in its natural state.

Creek facts

  • Tributary area: 3,653 acres
  • Creek length: 2.8 miles
  • Downstream waterbody: Kohlman Lake
  • Accountable municipalities: Maplewood, North St. Paul, Oakdale, Ramsey County, Washington County
  • Nutrient water quality classification: At risk

Water Quality

The District installed a water quality monitoring station on Kohlman Creek in 2007. The station allows us to continuously monitor flows in Kohlman Creek into the Phalen Chain of Lakes. It also helps us evaluate the effectiveness of District and city stormwater management programs and projects. The station collects year‑round water quality/flow rate samples and data.

Kohlman Creek was monitored in 2010 for biological indicators. In 2014, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) adopted region‑based eutrophication water quality standards for streams, including a revised total suspended solids standard. Kohlman Creek has not been assessed relative to these standards by the MPCA. Based on water quality data collected in 2011 and available from the MPCA website, the District has assigned Kohlman Creek a nutrient water quality classification of “At Risk.”

Past Projects

Kohlman Lake

Maplewood Mall Retrofit

This innovative project cleans 20 million gallons of stormwater each year.

Battle Creek

Maplewood Living Streets

A demonstration project to benefit residents and improve water quality.

Kohlman Creek

PCU Environmental Learning Center (Target Pond)

This pond provides flood protection while hosting pollinators and waterfowl.

Kohlman Creek

Markham Pond Aeration

This former carp nursery has been rehabilitated to a bass and bluegill fishery.

Kohlman Creek

Kohlman Creek Bank Stabilization

This creek stabilization protects Kohlman Basin wetland and Kohlman Lake.

Kohlman Creek

Kennard Street Control Structure

This control structure improves drainage along Kohlman Creek.

Kohlman Creek

Maplewood Middle School

Three large rain gardens filter runoff and protect water quality in Kohlman Creek.

Kohlman Creek

North Presbyterian Church

A rain garden filters runoff from the church parking lot.

Kohlman Lake

Redeeming Love Church

Five rain gardens filter runoff from the church roof and parking lot.

Kohlman Creek

North St. Paul Urban Ecology Center

This abandoned sod farm now harbors a diverse ecosystem along a popular trail.

Markham Pond Water Quality Measurements