
Tanners Lake Outlet

Tanners Lake Outlet

An emergency outlet repair project for Tanners Lake.

Tanners Lake Alum Treatment Facility

Tanners Lake Alum Treatment Facility

A unique treatment facility to remove phosphorus from stormwater.

Tanners Lake Berm

Tanners Lake Berm

A berm along Tanners Lake helps with flood water retention and water quality.

Tanners Lake 5th Street Basin

Tanners Lake 5th Street Basin

A wetland modification to help improve the water quality of Tanners Lake.

Tanners Lake Tartan High School Pond

Tanners Lake Tartan High School Pond

A high quality wetland constructed to treat water before reaching Tanners lake.

Tanners Lake Wetland

Tanners Lake Wetland

Modifications to a nearby wetland help bring cleaner water to Tanners Lake.

House of Prayer Lutheran Church

House of Prayer Lutheran Church

ABI Water Quality Pond

ABI Water Quality Pond

The Apostolic Bible Institute (ABS) Pond project removes nutrients and sediments from stormwater runoff originating in a large residential area of Oakdale.