
Tanners Lake Outlet

Tanners Lake Outlet

An emergency outlet repair project for Tanners Lake.

Tanners Lake Alum Treatment Facility

Tanners Lake Alum Treatment Facility

A unique treatment facility to remove phosphorus from stormwater.

Tanners Lake Berm

Tanners Lake Berm

A berm along Tanners Lake helps with flood water retention and water quality.

Tanners Lake 5th Street Basin

Tanners Lake 5th Street Basin

A wetland modification to help improve the water quality of Tanners Lake.

Tanners Lake Tartan High School Pond

Tanners Lake Tartan High School Pond

A high quality wetland constructed to treat water before reaching Tanners lake.

Tanners Lake Wetland

Tanners Lake Wetland

Modifications to a nearby wetland help bring cleaner water to Tanners Lake.