Vogel Manufacturing Drainage Improvements
Pond modifications alleviate flooding of a business and roadway.
Prior to the project, high stormwater originating in Tamarack Swamp would flood the existing pond and flow over the Vogel Manufacturing Parking into the loading dock area and ultimately over the Weir Drive roadway. This project diverted the flood flows south of Vogel and under the nearby Weir Drive, thereby alleviating this problem for storms up to a 100-year event.
This flood management project incorporated a steel sheet pile diversion wall and stormwater catch basins and culverts to route flood waters away from Vogel. The sheet pile wall separates a ponding area into two separate ponds, while maintaining wetland characteristics and reducing flooding of the facility and its parking lot. An anti-backflow valve prevents flood waters from entering the small pond near the building, while allowing the pond to drain when floodwaters subside.