Phalen Chain of Lakes Outlet
This outlet Increases the flow capacity of Lake Phalen reduced flooding upstream.
The Phalen Watershed Management Plan was the first comprehensive hydrologic study completed for the watershed. This study identified the critical 100-year flood events and elevations. Previous to this study, water management agencies were using historical record flood levels. The Phalen study identified flood levels that exceeded previous known elevations and indicated that numerous homes, public infrastructure and commercial development could be impacted.
The project feasibility study examined alternatives that could lower the peak flood levels and protect private and public property. The selected project included reconstructing a drop structure in the Keller-Phalen Channel and increasing lake outlet capacity by constructing an additional outlet pipe system. The structures built as part of this project were designed to serve as viewing platforms and fishing decks.
The District closely coordinated the project with the City of St. Paul Public Works and Parks departments, along with Ramsey County Parks. All the project structures are on park property.