Organic lawn care: Better turf without chemicals

Photo credit: CleanWaterMN

Maintaining a healthy lawn doesn’t mean you have to douse it with chemical weed-killers and fertilizers that can cause harmful runoff. Just ask “Organic Bob” Dahm who is pioneering a natural approach to lawn care in the Twin Cities. Clean Water Minnesota recently caught up with Dahm and client-turned-business partner Melissa Berg to learn how aeration, organic compost and the right seed blend can build a resilient lawn that’s easy on the environment.Read the story at

Interested in trying natural lawn care for yourself? Dahm and Berg recommend The Organic Lawn Care Manual: A Natural Low-Maintenance System for a Beautiful Lawn by Paul Tukey. You can also register for an Installing Turf Alternatives workshop on October 24, presented by Metro Blooms and Blue Thumb.